Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra


The love of three

The 21st season is coming to a close in a few weeks. Last month, the VMO was proud to present the 8th Annual Outdoor Concert at Jack Poole Plaza which was a resounding success with one of the largest audiences to date. We will be having two more outdoor performances, at the Meet Me in Gastown event (August 15th) and in South Granville at the Vancouver School Board Park (August 22). They will be conducted by our Principal Guest Conductor, Clyde Mitchell. We hope you will join us for some wonderful music in these beautiful outdoor spaces.

We are also pleased to announce our 22nd season opening concert at the Orpheum Theatre, featuring Canadian renowned pianist, Stephane Lemelin. Dr. Lemelin is currently the Director of McGill University’s Schulich School of Music, and Professor of Piano. He has previously taught at University of Ottawa and the University of Alberta, where he taught our very own Maestro Ken Hsieh. We are delighted that Dr. Lemelin has agreed to come and perform the challenging Brahms Piano Concerto No. 2, one of the most difficult and revered works in the piano literature. Dr. Lemelin has won many international competitions, as well as he was nominated for a JUNO Award for his recording with the CBC Radio Orchestra. He has performed with countless orchestras around the world, and is known for his interpretation of French, German and contemporary music.

Beginning the show will be Robert Schumann’s Symphony No. 4, a work that Maestro Ken Hsieh recently conducted with the Suzhou Symphony Orchestra in China. Normally the orchestra would begin with the concerto in the first half, and symphony in the second half; however, the Piano Concerto being in four movement is almost seen as a piano concerto in a symphony form. It is a wonderful way to start our 2024/2025 season!

Tickets are available online. Please contact the VMO Office for more details.

Key Information: VMO 22nd Season Opening Concert “The Love of the Three”
Date: September 6, 2024
Venue: Orpheum Theatre (601 Smithe Street, Vancouver, BC)
Time: 7:30pm (Pre-Concert Talk at 7:10pm)
Conductor: Ken Hsieh
Piano Soloist: Stephane Lemelin

大都會樂團第22 年開季音樂會
”The love of the three”

VMO延續爱樂者所期待於Jack Poole Plaza的第八年度戶外音樂會後,各方巨大迴響再續於集觀光歷史聚點,展開第三屆”相遇在媒氣鎮”的戶外音樂會,榮幸首度受邀在繁忙的Granville商業街道,連續舉辦三場戶外音樂會,陪伴購物或享美食者,共度音樂饗宴的夏日時光!大都會樂團穿梭於各愛樂人羣,匯集2024記憶中的夏日美好回憶!

VMO將於9月6日在有歷史性的Orpheum美麗劇院,舉辦第22年度開季音樂會,加拿大著名鋼琴家Stephane Lemelin 博士首挑開季年度的序幕,Lemelin當今領導McGill 大學的Schulich 音樂學院,曾教學Ottawa 及Alberta 大學,因緣際會大都會駐團指揮謝建得曾受教於門下;Lemelin博士曾獲諸多國際大獎,並與CBC樂團合作提名Juno榮譽,其世界各地與國際著名樂團的各合作,擅長詮釋德國法國及當代曲目,此開季音樂會將顛覆傳統先開啓演奏羅伯特舒曼的第四交響曲,彷間樂團演出通常上半部的協奏曲再續交響樂,此次Brahms的二號鋼琴協奏曲俱四樂章的鋼琴協奏曲被視為交響樂型式的鋼琴演奏曲而置於下半場呈現,鋼琴文學中記載最俱困難挑戰受人尊敬的曲目之一, 此開季音樂會期待指揮謝建得與鋼琴家Ste’phane Lemelin 師徒多年後的合作,開啓延續22年度音樂季的各歷史腳步!

此音樂會命名”the love of the three”道盡舒曼夫妻與布拉姆斯三人師徒及愛情各牽拌,其美麗作品在音樂史上的流傳故事,此音樂會更是指揮與名鋼琴家師徒多年後的共同努力詮釋,期盼力呈當年作曲家的心聲寫實,VMO希望藉此音樂會延續夏之美好再創秋的延伸,圓滿新季的22年歷史路!!!


VMO 22nd Season Opening Concert
“The Love of the Three”
日期: September 6, 2024
指揮: 謝建得
鋼琴:Stephane Lemelin