21st Season Finale
Vancouver College Wind Ensemble
7:00 pm
Pre-Concert Talk
Gershwin: Piano Concerto in F Major
Rachmaninoff: Symphonic Dances, Op. 45
Hayato Sumino
Born in 1995, Hayato Sumino won the Grand Prix of the Special Class of the PTNA Piano Competition, which was the start of his full-fledged career as a musician.
In 2021, he became a semi-finalist at the XVIII International Chopin Piano Competition. He won the third prize at the Lyon International Piano Competition in 2019, the gold medal at the International Chopin Competition in Asia in 2017, and many other prizes. He has performed with major international orchestras, including Hamburger Symphoniker, Dohnányi Orchestra Budafok, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra, and Gunma Symphony Orchestra. He studied under Jean-Marc Luisada, Katsuko Kaneko, and Tomoaki Yoshida.
He completed his master’s degree at the University of Tokyo, the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology in March 2020, receiving President’s Award. He was engaged in research on music information processing at the Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music (IRCAM).
Also known as “Cateen”, he has his own YouTube channel with over 1.2 million subscribers and 100 million views. His unique style, a fusion of classical techniques, arrangements, and improvisational skills, has been well-received by many fans. He was selected as a CASIO electronic musical instrument ambassador and Steinway artist in 2021.
He has been brought to the world’s attention, touring Paris, Singapore, Taiwan, and Korea in 2022. His first album HAYATOSM was released, and his latest album, Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 was recorded with the Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Marin Orsop in 2022. While building a solid position in classical music, he is attracting attention as a truly new type of pianist who carefully focuses on all music that beyond genres.
榮獲2023年日本富比世三十歲以下傑出人士(Forbes JAPAN 30 UNDER 30)提名入圍,並於今年榮獲Sony Classical全球合約的角野隼斗自小即展現優異的音樂天份,不同於一般古典音樂家的學習資歷,在多方面皆有資優表現的角野在高中畢業後,決定進入東京大學主修資訊理工學系研究,在大學期間仍持續公開演奏的角野,也同時在創作、編曲展現專業。擅長詮釋鋼琴古典樂的角野在極具盛名的日本PTNA鋼琴大賽以非音樂科班出身黑馬之姿勇奪特級首獎,之後更在蕭邦國際鋼琴大賽順利進入第三回合,知名度趁勢大增。以「Cateen」之名在Yourube上開直播即興鋼琴演奏,累積高達全球百萬觀看次數和追蹤者。除了古典樂外,角野同時在爵士、現代流行都展露令人驚嘆的傑出實力。名副其實地實現了他所立的生涯目標:「要做不只是名『鋼琴家』,而是成為一個『音樂家』」。
目前移居美國紐約的角野與波士頓大眾管弦樂團(Boston POPS )在波士頓交響音樂廳首次合作演出了美國近代作曲家蓋希文(George Gershwin)的《F大調鋼琴協奏曲》。此演出經驗對角野意義非凡,不僅是在蓋希文當初首演此曲的同一地點復刻經典,更是對啟發他音樂靈感的作曲家致上最高敬意。這次VMO將延續這份感動,為溫哥華樂迷獻上蓋希文的經典之作,聽眾們可以期待聽到角野隼斗以高超琴藝發揮即興功力,揮灑獨樹一幟的觸鍵風格,保證精彩絕倫。
音樂會曲目不僅有美國近代作曲家的協奏曲,還有拉赫曼尼諾夫(Rachmaninoff )的《交響舞曲》(Symphonic Dances),同樣集多重身份(鋼琴家、指揮家及作曲家)於一身的拉赫曼尼諾夫,將此曲三個樂章分別標為「清晨」、「正午」和「黃昏」,象徵生命之舞,充滿人生寓意和豐富情感的旋律和多彩節奏。本次音樂會開場首次邀請了Vancouver College 中學的管樂團為聽眾獻上暖場演出,誠摯歡迎大家提早進場聆聽。喜愛角野隼斗的樂迷也千萬不要錯過此千載難逢的機會,儘速購票,一睹卡汀音樂風采。
🕑 時間:2024年5月4日(星期六)晚間七時
(7:00PM 暖場演出 | 7:30PM 開放進場)
📍 地點:陳氏演奏廳Chan Center (6265 Crescent Road, UBC Vancouver campus)
🎫 售票方式:請洽溫哥華大都會交響樂團官方網頁
指揮:Ken Hsieh
鋼琴獨奏:角野隼斗 Hayato Sumino