Present VMO at Jack Poole Plaza
FREE Outdoor Concert

Conductor/Host - Ken Hsieh
The Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra

Jack Poole Plaza at Burrard Landing
July 14, 2022 at 7:00pm

The Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra Society is pleased to be bringing back the PCI/LEDCOR Free Orchestra outdoor concert at the Jack Poole Plaza (Burrard Landing) this year. The event has become one of Vancouver’s downtown summer highlight events where thousands of delighted audiences come and enjoy the VMO perform through great classics and popular tunes.

As this date coincides with Bastille Day (National day of France), for the first half, the VMO has made a programme that celebrates several notable French composer and their works, including: Saint-Saens: Danse Bacchanale, Selections from the ever popular opera, “Carmen”, by George Bizet; Berlioz’s Hungarian March, as well as Meditation from Thais by Massenet. Other works includes: Shostakovich Festive Overture, and the Triumphal March by Verdi to mark the return of this great concert.

For the Second half, the orchestra will delight its audiences with familiar tunes like John William’s Star Wars, Raiders March from Indiana Jones, as well as music from Ghibli Studio, Castle from the Sky by Joe Hisaishi. As always, the tradition of this fun concert, the orchestra will conclude the concert with Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture filled with Canon shot to complete the evening.

Audiences are asked to bring their own lawn chairs/blanket for comfort seating, and seating is done first come first serve. We encourage audiences to come early and have a dinner picnic at this beautiful venue. This event is a very family oriented and kids’ friendly concert, and the VMO is delighted to have PCI/LEDCOR as presenters of this concert. Come and join us at Jack Poole Plaza to enjoy the music in the most beautiful setting of Vancouver, featuring scenery of both the mountain and ocean that is going to make this concert a memorable evening for everyone.

大都會交響樂團年度被期待的戶外音樂會,疫情期間兩年的中斷,有眾多愛樂者諸多垂詢與期待,樂團承PCI及Lecor贊助,將於今年七月十四日晚間七點於Jack Poole Plaza Burrard Landing(1055 Canada Place Vancouver BC)恢復延續此多年的戶外音樂會!

今年戶外音樂會正逢Bastille Day,也是當今法國國慶日,延自1789年7月14日Bastille監獄打破象徵封建統治而起的法國大革命,此次戶外音樂會特別安排多位出色法國作曲家如Camille Saint-Saens聖桑的Danse Bacchanale《酒神之舞》,浪漫作曲家George Bizet比才名歌劇Carmen《卡門》中的名曲,又有作曲家Hector Berlioz白遼士的Hungarian March《匈牙利進行曲》。此外還有普羅大眾熟悉喜愛的Jules Massenet馬斯內的歌劇Thais《泰伊斯》中廣為世人喜愛的Meditation 《冥想曲》;音樂會穿插電影主題,名作曲家John William的Star Wars Main Theme《星際大戰主題曲》及Indians Jones《奪寳奇兵》,和日本名作曲家Joe Hisaish久石讓的Castle from the sky《天空之城》,彌補多少樂友錯過上月久石讓大師的溫埠演出。柴可夫斯基《1812序曲》亦是每年最精彩的休止符,配合Stanley Park 的黃昏炮響,期待愛樂者共同前來相聚,勿錯過美景美樂交錯的音樂饗宴!